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A INVOLUÇÃO DOS SERES HUMANOS (Uma Alternativa Védica para Teoria de Darwin)

WHERE we come from? Based on a wealth of research into archeology, genetics, reincarnation memories, out-of-body experiences, parapsychology, cross cultural cosmology, and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, Cremo provides a refreshing perspective on the origins of man according to the ancient philosophy of India. In his controversial bestseller Forbidden Archeology, Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson documented evidence showing that humans have existed on earth for hundreds of millions of years. Such anomalous evidence, contradicting Darwinian evolution, catalyzed a survey overall: if we did not evolve from monkeys, then where have we come? Man involution is Michael A. Cremo is a definitive answer to this question: We did not evolve from matter, instead we devolved, or came down, from the real of pure consciousness, spirit. Basing his response on modern science and the traditions of the world's great wisdom, including the philosophy of ancient India, Cremo proposes that before we ask the question: Where did humans come from? we should first contemplate, which is a human being? For most of the twentieth century, most scientists assume that a human being is simply a combination of common physical elements. In humans involution, Cremo says it is more reasonable to assume that a human being is a combination of three distinct substances: matter, mind and consciousness (or spirit). He shows how solid scientific evidence of a subtle mind element and self-conscious that can exist outside the body have been systematically eliminated from mainstream science by a process of knowledge filtration. To say that humans are a combination of matter, mind and consciousness, Cremo pilots a tour across cosmic enigmas incredible time and space, ranging from Precambrian microfossils to black holes to superhuman beings, revealing the cosmos itself be divided into corresponding regions dominated by ordinary matter, the subtle mind element and pure consciousness. Man involution illustrates how the self originally exists on the level of pure consciousness, in harmony with the personal source of all sentient beings. When consciousness abandons its self connection with the source of all sentient beings, becomes covered by the lower energies of mind and matter. Cremo calls this devolution. But decentralization can be reversed, and consciousness can be restored to its original pristine state through a process of spiritual evolution. The controversy continues: The highly anticipated sequel to the controversial bestseller Forbidden Archeology arrived. Darwin Debunked by the author of the bestseller Forbidden Archeology (200,000 copies sold) carefully researched work (includes an extensive bibliography and 28 page 36 page index). For the first time the ancient Vedic or Hindu version of the origins of man are presented.


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